Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 2, 2015

Benedetto Marcello: Flute sonatas (12), Op. 2

Benedetto Marcello, the youngest of six children of a noble Venetian family, was born in 1686. His brother, Alessandro, also became a great composer. brothers. In 1733, he was appointed governor of the city of PULA for two years and in 1738 he became chamberlain in BRESCIA, where he died in 1739. He learned violin with his father as well as singing and counterpoint with Francesco Gasparini. Essentially, his musical career was turned towards sacred music: nine masses and eight Psalms books, which were popular throughout Europe. He also composed more than three hundred and fifty cantatas for solo voice and eighty vocal duets.

He also taught composition and singing. Among his many writings, his best known satirical pamphlet is" Téatro alla moda» published in Venice in 1720, the main target of which was Antonio Vivaldi.

The twelve sonatas of Op 2 are works from the beginning of Benedetto Marcello’s musical career. Originally, the collection was published in Venice under the mention "recorder with accompaniment of cello and / or harpsichord". At that time, the recorder was in common use. Later, in 1715, these sonatas were reprinted in Amsterdam and then in London around 1732 and presented as “solos for a German flute or violin”: solos for transverse flute, so editing formally recognised the possibility of varying instrumentation.

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